Call Centers Come in a Variety of Styles to Suit Your Business

The call center has not gone away for many large businesses. There is more than one type of center available for businesses to use. Each one has its own purpose in growing and operating your business.

Telephone Call Centers

Staffed by professional operators, telephone call centers use internet technology and predictive dialing systems to flexibly route calls. Accurate information is given to inbound callers by customer service representatives. These professionals have an understanding of the business and the clients they serve.

CRM Call Centers

CRM call centers use customer relations management software to effectively handle customer concerns, questions and information. The system links with the current CRM software used by the company or has its own CRM software program to handle and route calls.

Inbound Call Centers

With a focus on inbound calls, these centers often use calls from toll-free numbers. Desk queries and catalog orders are common types of services handled by these centers. The customer calls in and the representative handles the call based on the customer’s behavior and takes action. Live operators work with program managers and account representatives to effectively handle incoming calls.

Web-Enabled Call Centers

Many large companies use web-enabled call centers to handle basic questions and answer questions before a representative gets on the line. These systems offer customers quality service by allowing customers to stay connected to the internet.

Outbound Call Centers

Often used for direct marketing, outbound call centers rely on the expertise of the person making the outbound calls. Trained staff can make these successful direct marketing solutions by focusing on excellent customer service, technological solutions and programs for quality assurance. Implementing a call management system within the call center allows management to monitor and track the success of each call. These are also used for telemarketing call centers.

The type of call center your business uses depends on your needs and goals. Some may require additional technical know-how to operate and different software.